
International summer camps

World of Tolerance held six international summer camps from 2013 to 2017, promoting tolerance and intercultural dialogue among youth. Over 250 teenagers and 70 experts participated from various countries. Discover more about these here.

One of the ground projects for World of Tolerance is international summer camps. ‘Sources of European Tolerance’, ‘Sources of Tolerance - Caucasus’, ‘Small World’ are international youth camps targeted at developing of the culture of tolerance and establishing an intercultural dialogue amongst youth, promoting european values of human rights and democracy and rehabilitation of the children-victims of armed conflicts. Overall World of Tolerance conducted 6 international camps over 5 years (2013 - 2017) involving more than 250 teenagers and more than 70 trainers, psychologists, educators and facilitators from Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Moldova. The project has been conducted in partnership with NGO Center for Participation and Development, and supported by various donor entities, such as the Embassy of Czech Republic and Embassy of Netherlands.